I recently visited another of the "art in unusual spaces" exhibitons in Leeds Shopping Plaza called Sliceland which was organised by students from LCAD, Met and the Uni.
I really enjoyed this exhibition and it made me wish that Stephen had chosen this huge shop as our exhibition venue, especially considering the large work that people are proposing to do.

They had really just worked with the space that was already there, not changing it or freshening it up, just decorating it with cardboard signs and newspaper decorations accross the room. They really had stook to a very low budget but it worked somehow.
They had bands playing, which was something that got me wondering about whether we should have music or some kind of entertainment happening at our private view.

They were very much trying to encourage students from each different art insitute in Leeds to mingle and share contacts etc. They had various comments books, lists for contact details and even badges.

They even had robots! Ones which you can get inside and move about! I liked.
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