Been meaning to post this for a while, but I visited the exhibitions that were on recently in the Leeds Shopping Plaza where we will be exhibiting. There were two different shows within the 4 shops that we will be using so it was a good opportunity to have a nosy and see how they've done it.

One of the shows was called "Playground". The title was vague enough to link each piece of work in together nicely without being too descriptive of the type of work. I liked the way they had kept with the fun theme for the window display which said the show's name, we need to make sure our window displays are inkeeping with our show name. I thought that it was interesting to have artists working throughout the private view. One man was drawing Xs accross a whole room, another was building a sand sculpture out of a tonne of sand and another artist was drawing from a photograph onto the window.

I found the general atmosphere a bit flat despite the whole "playground" name which suggests a little more excitement, however they had done well to use what was available to them and the use of clip on lights seemed to work well.

The other exhibition was "On Your Wall" which was aimed at people buying the works on display. They did very well to make the place look professional considering how it isn;t designed for this type of occasion. Even their posters and fliers were very professional and carefully considered. The atmosphere was good and there were plenty of drinks flowing.

The use of boards on a stand seemed to work well because it didn't block light and they would be easy to remove after the show, perhaphs this is something we could think about for our exhibition.
Me and Em went to site the other day to measure up, and we spoke to Yvonne - the boards will be in the unit for us to use :)
ReplyDeleteOh thats good! At least thats something already sorted out :)