Well things are coming together now. The posters have arrived so we're gonna get them out and about. Luckily Beth has managed to get them in the art gallery which is great and we'll get them up in various shops etc. The posters look great, its really nice to see them around college and stuff, it finally feels a bit like it will actually happen!

I e-mailed a big list of important folk yesterday with an invite to the show. I researched for hours for e-mail addresses. People on the list include: lots of art related staff from leeds met and leeds uni, PSL people, ESA, the arts council people, artists I've met at a few exhibitions, the people from the art walk, some of the art magazine people and even Steve Manthorpe who taught us for that other module and many more.
Yesterday we had a meeting with Yvonne at the space. It was quite embarrasing at how little people turned up and Yvonne wanted to know what was going where but we couldn't really tell her beacause we actually didn't know since we haven't seen some people since christmas.
She asked us for names of people who she can give to the security guards for keys. The names we gave her are me, Michael and Emily, so if anyone collects the key on a day that one of us are not there, then they need to say it is on our behalf as a security reference.

We asked Yvonne about putting the tags that I sourced in the windows as a display. She told us that we cannot stick anything on the inside of the window because of the sprinklers for health and safety reasons. We can stick them on the outside or hang them slightly back from the windows. We can decide where abouts they go once we get there. We have over 1000 tags to use so there should be pleanty.

Finally the tags and flyers are screen printed. It was very difficult to get the consistancy right but they say what they need to say and have been given out to people who we hope will help us with distribution. We can't just hand the flyers out because I looked into a flyer liscence and that was £75 for one person! so we'll do it a legal and cunning way instead. So now the job for us marketing people really is to just keep pushing the LVAF thing, the fliers and getting the posters everywhere we can.
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